Best Float Valve Stainless Steel Options

Best Float Valve Stainless Steel Options

Does anyone else have expensive taste? I have always had it, and when I spend money, I want to get the best thing that is going to last a really long time. I am not a full-on minimalist, though I do adhere to some minimalist practices. I've also been working hard on sustainable living and adding as little as possible to the waste that is piling up in our country.

One of the reasons I love Best Float Valves is that there are no plastic pieces in any of our products. Our parts are individually replaceable when necessary, and the floats and valves will last for decades. 

Our valves that will need the least maintenance for the longest amount of time are our stainless steel valves. We have them in 3 versions, with options for male and female in two of them. 

Our regular flow stainless steel valves come in male and female with the pipe fittings of either 3/4" or 1". They can pair with any of our floats and the psi capacity is up to 180 depending on the float. The valve arms are 18" long and along with the valve body and seat, are stainless steel. 

Our high volume/low pressure stainless steel valves come in 1 1/4" and are female. They offer twice the flow capacity of the regular valves and work well with pond siphons or gravity flow. The valve arms are 18" long or 24" long for higher pressures.

Our mini valves have a 12" stainless steel arm and a 1/2" pipe fitting. While they are tiny, they are mighty- and will take care of up to 100 psi. 

For these valves, the main issue of maintenance will be the poppet washers (a $2 part). Some people replace them every 6 months, some every 3-5 years. If you are looking for durable valves that will stand the test of time, Best Float Valves are here for you. 

We have multiple floats to pair with our valves as well- barrel floats, pan floats, anti-corrosion floats, and pan floats with pigtail rods

If you need help discovering what would serve you best, contact us today!

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