On the way to 100 Wells!

On the way to 100 Wells!

Ever since I walked the dusty roads of Mozambique in the city and in the bush, I have had a dream to fund water wells to change the trajectory of families and villages. I sent part of the proceeds from every order to Iris Ministries to their well-drilling program. 

Just recently, I got an update! Last year alone over 40,000 more people had access to clean water because of the wells Iris put in. Isn't that phenomenal? 

Here's a picture of the drilling team:

Best Float Valve funded a full well and we are well on the way to funding another!! It costs $7500 to successfully drill a well- to dig through that hard dirt. I know for many people, that amount is pocket change. And to the (mostly women and children) who won't need to walk hours daily to get water that may or not may have been safe for drinking, it is priceless!! 

For all of you who have ordered, thank you! As you have invested to keep water going for your livestock or other endeavors, you are helping change the future- literally- for hundreds and eventually thousands of Mozambicans. 

For those of you who will order, thank you in advance as well. For as long as I am running this company, we will continue to give into this very worthy cause. If you feel led to give more, that is welcome! You can give here.


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