Best Float Valve Poly Tank Options
Are poly tanks your preference for your livestock? We have multiple Best Float Valve options for you to plumb from the bottom, top, or side!
Most of our customers plumb their poly tanks from the top. As shown in the pictures below, you can use our Side Mount Kit to attach the valve. We have multiple options with our regular and high volume valves. They are durable and sturdy. I've never had a customer come to me and say one had been broken. Measure your tank(s) at the widest part of the lip to determine what size will suit. Our regular side mount kits fit with our 3/4" valves, and our high volume side mount kits pair with our 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" high volume valves. There are multiple sizes to fit tank lips up to 7". If you need something wider, let us know!
We always recommend a set of galvanized bolt pads when using a side mount kit with these tanks to provide more stability. Some people also use a board when they install.
Our regular float valve kits will handle up to 90 psi, but some of that capacity is lost with the side mount kit. If your psi is higher than 80, we have other floats that can handle a bit more. If your pressure is considerably higher than that, we have an option that can be used to plumb them from the bottom as well. When plumbed from the bottom, our kits can take up to 180 psi depending on the float.
While coming in from the bottom can handle the pressure, you may find that you have high volume and quite low pressure. We have high volume float valve kits for that very purpose. In the picture below, Greg has the hose coming into the bottom side of the tank and a high volume float valve premium kit attached to that.
If you want to come from the bottom of the tank, we have a riser kit if you need help making sure it is sealed. We recommend drilling a hole through the bottom with a hole saw, connecting the pipe to our Riser Kit, and then our valve to that. Sealing with silicone is very helpful. The riser kits come from 3/4" to 2" and come in galvanized or stainless steel.
If you are coming in from the bottom, we recommend that the pipe nipple extend approximately 3" from the top of the tank for valves with a straight arm, and approximately 5" for valves with a bent arm.
If your plumbing is coming in from the bottom side, we have a 90° arm that can be added to our valves to allow it to plumb in that direction. For stainless valves, email to have that added to your order.
If your pipe comes up higher (less than 6" from the top of the water), any of our float valve kits can come with a bent arm. This will allow the valve to be as low as possible in the water and still permit the valve to open fully. The float should be set to be 2/3 underwater in high pressure. We have barrel floats and pan floats. The picture below is a pan float with a pigtail rod.
Though it is called a tire tank mount kit, some people use them to plumb poly tanks from the side of the tank towards the bottom, so that's an option if you need to do it from there.
If you are looking for continuous flow, you can install Best Float valves with a bleeder valve. If you need ice prevention, the Micro Sweeper can attach to any of our ported valves. Customers rave about them!
Once installed the only semi-regular maintenance will be the poppet washers. Some replace them every 6 months, some every 3-5 years. If you start to have a little overflow, these will fix the problem 9 times out of 10.
We have so many options and would love to work with you to find the best solution for you. Contact us today if you have questions, or feel free to share your best practices with Best Float Valves!