Which Best Float Valve Kit For Your Water Pressure?

The Best Float Valve (aka Watson valve) is the most durable and simple livestock water tank float valve on the market. They are full-flow valves that are almost impossible to clog up. The arm is made of steel instead of flimsy brass, and the float is aluminum with a chain or pigtail rod to attach. We have no plastic pieces anywhere in any of our kits. There is no minimum pressure requirement for any of our valves. They will operate properly even with water pressure that won't trip the gauge.
For your quick review, you can check our Kit Chart
Our valves come with 3/4”, 1”, 1 1/4”, or 1 1/2” pipe fittings. The mini valve is 1/2". The regular valve flow is 13 gpm on a 1 ½” line at 5 psi and 50 gpm on a 2” line with 45 psi. There are various stainless steel options, and all but the mini valves can be ported and plugged for ice prevention or continuous flow.
Our mount kits are designed to attach to the 3/4" valves. While the mount kits can handle a good amount of pressure, some of the pressure capacity is lost when they are used. If you are pushing 90 psi, we recommend pairing the side mount with a High Pressure Premium Kit to function best.
- Up to 90 psi: Our Standard, Premium, and Stainless Steel float valve kits will successfully run in any type of water tank and will handle up to 90 p.s.i. Our Best Float Valve Mini-Kit fits in smaller tanks and uses a 1/2" male or female stainless valve and an 8"x4" pan float.
- Up to 120 psi: If you have high water pressure, our High-Pressure Float Valve Kits will run up to 120 psi. Our Supreme Float Valve Kits are our most non-corrosive kits. The Pigtail Rod Kits are a favorite for some who want more precision in their water levels.
- Up to 180 PSI: If you have extraordinarily high pressure, you can pair any of our Standard, Premium, or Stainless Steel Valves with our 12"x6 pan float.
These valves come in 1 1/4" & 1 1/2" and will handle twice the amount of volume flow as our regular water trough float valve kits. On a 1 ½” pipeline with gravity flow at 5 psi, our high volume valve flows up to 26 GPM. On a 2” pipeline at 45 psi, our high volume valve flows up to 110 GPM. They can also be ported for ice prevention or continuous flow. We also have a High Volume Valve Mount Kit that was designed to connect to our high volume valves. As stated before, our valves don't have a minimum pressure needed to function properly.
- Up to 60 PSI: High-Volume/Low-Pressure Float Valve Kits.
- Up to 70-74 PSI: Our High Volume/High Pressure Float Valve Kits are modified with a longer valve arm and larger float to deal with higher pressure as well as the higher volume.